Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Success in swimming is about being confident in your abilities. I know that many of you are saying, "well if you can't swim very well, it's kind of hard to be confident in your swim." If you are confident that you can preform the stroke, you will work to make it happen. On the other hand, if you have little confidence in your ability to swim and preform your stroke properly, then you will find yourself stopping in the middle of the pool frustrated and choking on water.  YOU MUST believe you can do it and then YOU MUST push through the times when you feel like your stroke sucks. Trust that over time, coaching, and practice you will become better and swimming will become easier. By having confidence you will enjoy practice more, it will be easier to listen to your coach, and you will find that you will improve much faster. Confidence is key!

Here is the days workout
                     200 swim
Warm up  200 kick
                     200 pull
600 yrds
12 x 75 -- freestyle 25, choice stroke 25,  sprint freestyle 25. Rest 30 sec. after each 75 adjust the rest to your ability, but keep it at about 75 %. 
          900 yrds
6 x 100 -- one free, one kick, one free, ect... 30 sec rest between 100s. 
          600 yrds

16 x 50 -- Drill the first 4 x 50s, Swim second 4 x 50s freestyle (working on the concepts the drill you chose is trying to reinforce), Third 4 x 50s freestyle moderate 25 sprint 25, last set of 50s sprint kick. 15 sec rest on all 50s except sprints 30 sec. rest on sprints. 
          800 yrds

    200 yard warm down

Total yards today 3100 yrds

Make sure during warm up and warm down you work on your stroke. Stay long and relaxed and focus on high elbows and a good glide. The 200 kick is with a kick board and pull is done with a pull buoy. Most of the time your local swim pool will have these available on deck ask the life guards and they will point you to them. 

Adjust the work out to your ability by shortening/lengthening the rest time, if 3100 yards is too much or you don't have time for that long of a swim cut everything in half ex: instead of 12x75 do 6x75 ect... 


  1. whoot whoot! Best swim coach EVA! loved the workout this morning, My arms are sore from the 2x200 pull! Triathlon is in 23 days, I hope everybody is excited and ready!! Good luck next week with your career! :)

  2. perform is the correct spelling. I'm confident
